Friday, May 16, 2014

Reader Submission - James Oliver of BC

This winter I had a great time at the Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event  in Victoria, BC. I met loads of interesting folks, and one talented woodworker in particular stood out from the crowd: James Oliver.

This is the guy who modestly claimed to be a beginner with hand tools, but casually put together a dovetailed box while "testing" the saws and chisels. He also brought along some panels of his carvings, which were wonderful. 

He just sent me photos of his tool chest:

"Western maple carcass, cherry and hickory tills, the top edges of the runners are ipe. Bottom is t&g pine"

Nice work, James!


  1. Nice work on the chest for sure. And the carving would make Follensbee proud I bet!

  2. I tend to agree with the conventional wisdom that a chest should be painted, so that it can be used with no fear of damage... but I can't fault James for keeping this one pure to show off the joinery and the grain!
