Wednesday, January 9, 2013

[School] Some quick pics

Class continues apace as we learn more about the nature and structure of wood, how to use chairmaking tools (such as travishers, spokeshaves, and drawknives), while continuing to learn about the students and instructors. Today was fast-paced and much was accomplished. Everyone's stool legs are fitted into the stool seats, and holes for the stretchers marked and drilled. Soon we will fit the stretchers, trim them all up, and the world will have 9 more stools than it did previously. Here is hoping that the moving box containing my camera is revealed soon! In the meantime, these are some photos taken by Tim Lawson. I should also point out that I learned today that there is still space left in Peter Follansbee's upcoming course, Make a Joint Stool From a Tree. This would be a killer opportunity to take a course in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with one of New England's most interesting traditional woodworkers.

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